Now I See Me

Marielle Khayat on finding home, following your instinct and embracing the unknown

Episode Summary

Marielle grew up in Beirut, studied in China and in the US, and is now living in France. She goes wherever her curiosity takes her and enjoys not knowing where her next adventure will lead her. She has been an entrepreneur, author, consultant and marketer. Her career isn't linear, but one thing is for sure: humans are always at the center of everything she does. She is in love with people their cultures, their identities and their stories. She also believes that her country is an endless source of inspiration, her roots are in Lebanon and it shows in many of her projects: - A few years ago, she founded a startup called "Koullouna": an e-commerce subscription box that bridged the gap between her home country and the rest of the world, supporting the Lebanese producers, designers and entrepreneurs. - She also co-wrote a book ("Losing touch") about the disappearing and artisan trades of Beirut, telling the stories of 50 trade workers and showcasing their talent, dignity and humility. In today's episode, we spoke about the concept of finding home and how we define it. How to follow your instinct and about the art of not knowing where to go. Sit back and enjoy!

Episode Notes

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